Volunteering is more than just a box-ticking exercise, it’s an opportunity to help those most in need, particularly through winter when temperatures drop drastically and charities become more dependant on your help and donations. However, it is also a good way to develop your skillset, grow as an individual and enhance your understanding of the world! It can be a truly enriching experience, allowing you to meet some amazing people whilst making a significant difference in people’s lives. On top of this, it can be a great addition to your CV as it can make you stand out from the crowd, showing you are willing to put in the extra work.
Keep reading to find out more about the benefits of volunteering and how it can help enhance your CV.
Gaining Experience in an Industry that Interests you
There are countless volunteering opportunities available with specialist roles and responsibilities to suit every individual. Why not look into an area that interests you? For example, for those interested in animal care, volunteering at an animal shelter or sanctuary could be hugely beneficial whilst giving you crucial experience in the industry. This could help you secure a spot on a course in further education or a job down the line or just be a rewarding pastime. It is also a great way to experiment and get a taster for the field you’re interested in, all whilst helping a great cause.
Increasing your Job Confidence
Volunteering can be a great way to improve your confidence, particularly if you have no prior work experience. Working in a professional setting can be a daunting prospect at first, so taking the extra step to prepare yourself, in an environment where there is less pressure, can be hugely beneficial and do wonders for your confidence. Through volunteering, you can witness first-hand how professionals interact and manage situations, whilst improving your communication and people skills.
Building connections and friendships with people in a professional environment is the foundation of networking. It is a great way to find out about future job opportunities, put yourself at an advantage to someone else and develop knowledge about the industry firsthand from an expert. These connections could come in handy further down the line and could even end up securing you a job.
Helping you to Learn New Skills
Regardless of the type of volunteering you’re doing – helping in food banks, teaching in schools abroad, environmental protection, animal care – there will always be something to take away from the experience, whether it is related to your field or not. You can improve your practical skills which may be quite industry specific, such as how to control a classroom of children or how to care for an injured animal and you can also improve your soft skills, most of which will likely be transferable to a range of industries. Soft skills are interpersonal attributes that you need to succeed in the workplace and can include communication, critical thinking, leadership, teamwork and a strong work ethic.
To find out about volunteering opportunities in your area, visit the Charity Job website or get in touch with a member of the Progress Careers team today via our contact form or social media pages.