When it comes to writing a CV, you want to make sure it’s perfect, after all, you only get one chance at making a first impression. A CV should be a representation of you and all your achievements to date – don’t be afraid to blow your own trumpet!
There are no strict rules about what a CV should look like. CV styles can vary from industry to industry, if you are looking to secure a role in the Financial sector, you will be best sticking to writing formalities with a clearly structured CV. If you want to dive into the world of Graphic Design, why not design your CV to look like a cereal box, get creative, and really showcase what you can do. There are some tips that apply to all CV writing, keep it clear and concise, make sure there are no spelling/ grammatical errors, and make sure you keep it honest.
Now we have established what the CV will look like, what about the contents? Knowing what information to include can be tricky, cue the Progress Careers team of CV specialists. Our team knows a thing or two about writing a great CV, and they have shared their top tips for what makes a CV pop and what makes it flop.
Our top tips when it comes to your CV
- A CV is your sales pitch
We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to really showcase all your achievements, big or small, include them all. Your CV is your chance to show the employer what you have done and what you can contribute to their business. - Make sure your CV is up to date
Make sure all your latest and greatest achievements are on your CV, if you are submitting a CV that is a few months old it is likely you have a few more experiences and accomplishments since then. As best practice, our CV specialists suggest updating your CV at least once a month. - Adapt and customise
For each job you apply for you should adapt and customise your CV based on the needs of the employer. Emphasise the skills employers are looking for that you have or focus on experiences that link to the specific job role. This will help increase your chances of being shortlisted for the interview stage.
TOP TIP: If you are struggling to identify what skills and experiences an employer is looking for, refer to the job description or person specification provided. - A CV is not enough!
Most people think a CV alone will help them secure an interview, but covering letters are just as important. A covering letter is your space to communicate directly with the employer. Tell them why you want to work for them, what makes you the most suitable candidate for the role, and what you can bring to the role that makes you different. A covering letter also shows you have taken the time to write personally to the employer and not just sent the same CV to everyone.
Our team of specialists have devised a CV template that will offer you guidance when creating your CV, you can use this as a starting point and build on the CV adding your own flare and creativity. If you need this, just ask your Progress Careers adviser!
Ensuring you have a good CV takes you one step closer to landing your dream job, so remember to take the time to create a CV that is reflective of you and your accomplishments.