Published On: September 20, 2021|503 words|2.5 min read|
Progress Careers support John Whitgift Academy

John Whitgift Academy in Grimsby, which is part of the Delta Academy Trust, has been awarded the National Quality in Careers Standard, thanks to the support of Progress Careers (formally known as CareersInc). Through professional and independent external assessment, the award offers national accreditation for the CEIAG provision of a school, college, or work-based learning organisations. The Standard is “strongly recommended” by, and fully complies with, the Department for Education’s” statutory guidance”.

At Progress Careers, all careers education, information, advice and guidance packages come with support from fully qualified Careers Advisers, who can also support schools to obtain the Quality in Careers Standard. The Progress Careers team of specialists works with schools to identify areas where schools require careers assistance and provide solutions to gaps in evidence. Alongside the guidance offered by Progress Careers, the team is also on hand to offer a bespoke and specialist consultancy report.

Over the past year, Progress Careers has worked closely with John Whitgift alongside many other schools and academies, supporting them to develop their careers provision and demonstrate the outstanding impact their careers education has on their students.

Progress Careers Operational Executive, Paula Thompson, said:

“We are thrilled to have supported John Whitgift Academy to achieve the national Quality in Careers Standard awarded by Ixion (Part of the Shaw Trust Group). Paul and the wider leadership team at the academy have worked tremendously hard to ensure that they are delivering the very best Careers Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance (CEIAG) to their students. The commitment, dedication, and energy with which the academy approaches CEIAG is the reason why they are celebrating such positive outcomes for their students. Delta Academy Trust is committed to ensuring all of their academies achieve this accolade, and we are currently working with Career Leaders across the trust to ensure that we continue to celebrate and recognise the fantastic work taking place”.

Paul Tuffnell, Careers Lead at John Whitgift Academy, said:

“We are delighted to have achieved the national Quality in Careers Standard awarded by Prospects. At John Whitgift Academy, we recognise the important role our academy plays in helping students develop their knowledge, skills, and experience so they can go out into the world and achieve personal success.’’

“This award has provided a flexible framework that enabled us to audit our work on careers and ensure that our students are receiving the advice, practical support, and experiences needed, so that they are prepared for the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment, or training.  We can now proudly say that our students are prepared for their next step post-16, with our school showing a steady decline in students who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). 2020/21 resulted in 0% NEET with all students engaged on the correct course, apprenticeship or traineeship for their ability and future”. At Progress Careers, their holistic, 360-degree approach to Careers Education Information, Advice, and Guidance allows them to offer each school they work with a high-quality, effective service, that provides the best outcomes for students.

Does your school need a careers partner?

Are you looking for a friendly Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance partner? Well look no further. Drop our team a line and we can arrange a suitable date and time to discuss your specific school needs.