Gatsby Benchmark 7 – Encounters With Further & Higher Education
What is Gatsby Benchmark 7?
Gatsby Benchmark 7 in the Gatsby Benchmarks framework, which guides effective career advice, centres on ‘Encounters With Further And Higher Education.’ This benchmark highlights the importance of giving young people the opportunities to explore different learning pathways beyond the age of 16. This includes ensuring all students are aware of possible academic, vocational and technical pathways. It plays a crucial role in preparing students for their future educational and career paths.
Why is Gatsby Benchmark 7 so important?
Gatsby Benchmark 7 enables young people to form connections with universities and colleges, helping them to understand more about the likes of technical education and apprenticeships. These encounters empower young people to make informed decisions about their educational journey post 16, wherever that may be. Remember, as Gatsby Benchmark 3 highlights, schools should be addressing the needs of each pupil, which should mean giving them full access to all the options available to them once they finish school.
Creating Encounters with Further and Higher Education
Creating encounters with further and higher education institutions could include:
- Collaboration with Educational Institutions: Establish partnerships with colleges, universities, and apprenticeship providers to offer students a wide range of opportunities.
- Visits to Institutions: Arrange visits to schools and universities so that students can personally experience the learning environment.
- Exploring Different Routes: When exploring routes, show students both academic and vocational options so they can understand all the possibilities.
Measuring the importance of Further and Higher Education visits.
Gatsby Benchmark 7 looks at measuring the importance of further and higher education visits. We can measure this by looking at how effectively these visits help students grasp their post-16 learning choices. The visits can then help the students make better choices about their education and careers. Here are steps that schools can take to measure the impact of these visits:
- Set Clear Objectives: Define specific objectives for the visits. Decide what you want to achieve through these visits. Look at increasing students’ understanding of different learning opportunities, fostering aspirations, and enhancing decision-making skills.
- Pre-Visit Surveys: Conduct surveys or assessments before the visits to gauge students’ knowledge about various post-16 options. This baseline data will help you compare their understanding before and after the visits.
- During-Visit Engagement: During the visits, observe students’ engagement and interactions. Are the students asking questions to learn more about their experience? Are they actively participating in discussions? Their level of engagement can provide insights into their interest and enthusiasm.
- Post-Visit Reflections: Have students reflect on their experiences after the visits. Encourage students to write about things they have learned. How the visit might have changed the students view on what a workplace might be like. Are they considering different learning options?
- Assessment of Learning: Design assessments or quizzes that cover the information presented during the visits. Evaluate students’ retention of key concepts related to different educational pathways.
- Student Feedback: Gather feedback directly from students. Ask the students what they have gained from the visit. Have they found the information helpful, and if the visits influenced their thinking about post-16 choices?
- Impact on Decision-Making: Follow up with students several weeks or months after the visits. Ask whether the visits influenced their decisions about further and higher education. Have the students looked at other options they might not have considered otherwise?
- Comparison to Baseline Data: Compare post-visit data with the baseline data collected before the visits. Look for improvements in students’ understanding, aspirations, and decision-making.
- Long-Term Tracking: Track students’ educational and career paths over time. Did the students who participated in these visits choose different learning options compared to those who didn’t? This long-term tracking can provide insights into the lasting impact of the visits.
- Feedback from Educational Providers: Collaborate with further and higher education institutions to gather feedback about the students who visited. Were the students engaged during the visit to the employer? Have the students asked the relevant questions? This external feedback can be valuable in assessing the impact.
- Quantitative and Qualitative Data: Combine surveys and assessments with student reflections and feedback to thoroughly understand the visits’ impact.
- Comparative Analysis: Compare the impact of different types of visits, such as visits to colleges, universities, and apprenticeship providers. This can help you identify which types of encounters are the most
Different routes to the same destination
Benchmark 7 acknowledges that there are multiple routes to achieving the same educational and career goals. Encounters with different educational providers help students appreciate these diverse pathways.
Provider Access Legislation (PAL)
Provider Access Legislation (PAL) ensures that schools give students valuable experiences with further and higher education.
What is PAL?
Schools to open their doors and allow all training providers (including colleges and universities) to come into their establishment and to help students learn about their post-16 options by connecting them with colleges and universities.
When must the encounters take place?
Students should meet with colleges and universities at various times in their education to learn about all available options. This helps to support students with their future goals.
What should the Provider Encounter include?
Provider encounters must encompass a range of learning opportunities, including information about technical education, colleges, universities, and apprenticeships. This ensures students have a holistic view of their post-16 pathways.
What are the Gatsby Benchmark 7 questions on the Compass evaluation?
The Compass evaluation uses questions to check how well a school might provide different trips with further and higher education. These questions help institutions follow the benchmark’s principles and provide young people with the information they need to make informed decisions.
Gatsby Benchmark 7 focuses on “Encounters With Further And Higher Education.” The Compass evaluation questions check how well a school allows students to explore different learning options beyond age 16. They look at different options such as technical education, colleges, universities, and apprenticeships. Some potential questions could be:
- How do you facilitate encounters with further and higher education institutions for your students?
- Describe the variety of learning opportunities you offer, including visits to colleges, universities, and apprenticeship providers.
- How do you ensure that encounters showcase both academic and vocational routes, allowing students to understand diverse post-16 options?
- Can you provide examples of how students have benefited from these encounters and understanding of post-16 pathways?
- How do you collaborate with educational providers to offer meaningful experiences that align with students’ interests?
- Describe any initiatives or programs aimed at providing encounters for students under the age of 16 to explore future learning opportunities.
- How do encounters with further and higher education institutions contribute to your overall career guidance and curriculum?
- Can you share instances where these encounters have influenced students’ decisions about their post-16 education and career paths?
How Progress Careers can help you to meet the Gatsby Benchmark 7?
Progress Careers is your school’s partner for achieving Gatsby Benchmark 7.
We offer resources and expertise to help secondary schools and colleges to create meaningful interactions with further and higher education. By working with us you will have access to regional networks and contacts to ensure a well-rounded and representative selection of providers attend your school to speak to young people.
In conclusion, Gatsby Benchmark 7 is a vital component in preparing young people for their future educational paths. When schools connect students with colleges and universities, it can help them explore various learning options. This can then help the students make better-informed decisions that align with their future goals and careers.